According to the description given by Ovidio, in front of the entrance of the porch, where he performed ‘sleep’ a sea of poppies blooms (metamorphosis XI, 592-610). Thanks to this plant he would induce men and Godsto sleep, a benefic gift, but also a tool of deception and subterfuges .Hypnos, Sleep, is brother and in some versions of the myth twin of Thanathos, Death. They are both children to the goddess Nyx, Night. The flowers and and seed balls of poppy are connected to sleep brought by death and they are found aboundantly in western funerary art starting from the early Reinassaince. In ninteenth-cenury cemiteries flowers and seed balls of poppy are often used as decorative elements in monuments and in tombstones.
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Traduzione a cura della classe 3^D del Liceo “Laura Bassi” di Bologna (Marta Massari, Alice Scala, Marianna Tortora), nell'ambito del progetto "Alternanza Scuola - lavoro", AS. 2016-2017.