In ancient times the olive tree was associated to Minerve, and it symbolized order and peace. Grown in a lot of parts in the Mediterranean, its fruits have always been considered precious and the oil which derives from it has the power of feeding, curing and lightening. It is the biblical tree par excellence, it is particularly associated with the peace which reigns after the Great Flood. It has been and still is the symbol of peace and harmony among men and God for centuries. Ripa associates it with the personifications of Mansuetude, Mercy, Peace and Civil Union. It is also found as a festoon and wreaths on the graves of XIXth Century.
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Traduzione a cura della classe 3^D del Liceo “Laura Bassi” di Bologna (Marta Massari, Alice Scala, Marianna Tortora), nell'ambito del progetto "Alternanza Scuola - lavoro", AS. 2016-2017.