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According to the classical tradition the dolphin is the symbol of wisdom and prudence and it’s linked to the regeneration and the divine. It’s the fish that turns into Apollo and it’s often depicted in the Greek art in the act of carrying a man on the back. This image refers to its function in the figure of the animal psychopomp, the guide of human beings to the other world. Myths and stories often tell about dolphins saving people from the threat of death at sea. Action that can often be interpreted in a symbolic key. The friendship of these mammals with men derives from their human origin.

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Traduzione a cura della classe 5 H del Liceo Scientifico “Augusto Righi” di Bologna, nell'ambito del progetto di scambio culturale con il Liceo "Europaschule" di Bornheim, Germania, maggio-ottobre 2014.