Gaetano Gaspare Uttini (1737 – 1817), Bolognese, graduated in Philosophy and Medicine in 1763, honorary professor in 1767, in 1772 he became (waged lector) and, in 1789, he has been registered in the Collegio medico. Though pensioned off in 1799, in November 1800 he was asked to accept the chair of Pathology, Criminology and Forensic medicine and was confirmed professor by the Napoleonic decree of November 25, 1802. The same year he was also Chancellor. Definitively retired in 1806, he died on January 12, 1817, «uomo religioso, autorevole, obbligante, benefico ed eccellente non meno nell’insegnare che nel curare» (Mazzetti, Repertorio, p. 312; Gasnault, p. 233) («a man of religion, authoritative, obliging, beneficent and excellent both in teaching and curing»). He lived in via Saragozza, at the former n. 138 (now 6), by via Altaseta’s corner, in a house formerly of the Garganelli family (Guidicini, Cose Not., V, p. 11). The funeral service was held in his parish church delle Muratelle. (Id., Diario, IV, p. 41).